Saturday 18 March 2023

and finally

Trusting in the quiet
And how
Silence spoke so eloquently
Of its flow
Form a source
through to the light
that all consciousness
Carries  inside


Monday 31 January 2022

Road to Corinth

its timely Perhaps
Like with Paul
at the mirror lit dimly
at all the moments of toil
And in a hope for grace
I search for thine face
before my energy is spent and  my will fades
I see, without a doubt
For what I wait


Wednesday 22 September 2021


We have walked this path
Devoid of memory
Existence held  by invisible strings
Of random chance
poetry  for light
willing a faith to ensconce my  anxiety
and forget the precipice


A shield for the heart

 A shield for my heart
My trepidation
Amuses you
As it opens,  as  control slowly deserts
This is me scrambling for pens
To Capture  you in words
So my senses may catch a breath
But  passions are 
Notorious in their impatience



Rendering my terrors
I am cast adrift, head afloat
It would seem   that you, murky
Hid your depths from  me
but in my being
I knew
As  long you were
I would never drown


the invisible man

 Am I that sexy or
or its what I got, a common refrain
I the man, round butts I see
And I feel my bulge, smiling
looking at my pockets always  papered
these days
the invisible man caught your eye


Dreaming of

 Dreaming of
Jumping jacks
I bouncing in-doors
Tell me  Mr Walrus
Why do you glare behind your tusks
over the swimming pool
as I head for the steamed  glass door