Saturday, 18 July 2020

In the Mudra

past  the storms
I stare once more
At  twilight's shiny floor
And  I have  no rudder
So with no gills I am under
Dark is the abyssal
Waiting for the demons as I fall
But  I have no flesh to breathe
And I am safe from their maddening teeth


Tuesday, 19 May 2020


Bougainvillea  silhouettes
A  long past twilight
and in a patient moonbeam
that lights up the cement  floor
I can finally hear
My heart  beat


This Constant Waif

This constant waif in personal terror
Looking  for a fortune
took the cave to the left
via the whispered  path
but  for the  hum
only in the head  and with slow breaths
One word and you will leave the dark


Monday, 30 March 2020

March 2020

Our Roundabout is nigh
We sit with a sky
Of colours unknown
Tomorrows  in stark relief
Rosy days, are ashes for the cretins
What  did we sign up for
A birth contract ?
Televisions of tears ?
We are
In compassion
Forever  immortal
Steps to remember our inheritance
And proceed from there