Thursday 31 October 2019

A Lagos Afternoon

roast  plantains
Smell round the bend
Red dust is an ingredient
 for mud

And me
Sweat glistened  arms
Bouncing upon a potholed road

Of screaming conductors
Voicing through the overcrowd
We hasten  always
But  to where?


Saturday 26 October 2019

always enough

O old Heartbreak
Back to the crash site I visit thee
For you called out to my soul
And through the memories in a wreath
One last lesson
To access at the right time
That I was always enough
No matter how many voices cursed
I was always enough


Get Thee Behind Me

I know you so, 
The darkness  in my poem So
and unwashed kitchen sinks
To torment me
Borrowed my voice like the devil
yet convince me
He wasn’t there.
But I got your label now
Your signature reeks
I got a heat seeker on your ass.



we  of one body
 according to the summons
Reached a New Era
And in violence
 Gaia  shakes  her stagnant pools  
stirring our frequencies within
while some still asleep
and  form  at once
Two worlds on one planet


To the Light

To the attachments that hide in my stomach
But we  are diving  are we not
Hurt us do we not bleed
For your fears, you fed upon my vitals
When but the light shines within you
A  piece of the creator
That’s  within us all
And for its sake that I ask
That you vacate
And go to your peace


The red brick wall

Beneath the sky grey
The gently moving  shadow
over  a  red brick wall
dare we climb,  xray  or run
lest by the knee we fall
 into  that mazy dream
hidden within the hollow


Hopes fountain

Heard about  cleeve
Yes I have
And the Somerset downs
heard about  but never been
like  fountains  of a hope within
Uninvited home that  one soul  remembers
Before my time here burns to embers
To have to know  where my  well  resides
Water waiting like a patient bride



The deposited

Sum up Pleiades like we never been
But we know different don’t’ we
Wink wink !
I am born once more
A crime of hope regardless
event horizons and  rear views
through ships that breathe
we were deposited in love


The Slovene

To  cure the Slovene of this malady
I incurred a rosy oil
And danced the drops on loam
And wept on its foundations
In order to steal  the stars edge
And provide him back his soul